30-06-10-19:26;No Love

Jealous when I spend time with the girls
Why I'm married to you still man I dont know
But tonight I'm serving you with papers
Im divoricing you
Go marry someone else and make em famous
And take away there freedom like you did to me
Treat em like you dont need them and they aint worthy of you
Feed em the same shit you made me eat
Im moving on forget you oh,
Now I'm special? Oh, I didn't feel special when i was with you
All I ever felt was this
Imprisoned by a selfish bitch
Chew me up and spit me out
I fell for this so many times
Its ridiculus

Nyktert med gabbzor

Igår var sweet, jag Gabbe Danne aka Kramer Gustaf och Linda drog och badade, Lenna
jag kom i tro de eller ej, dock tog de ju lite tid.. sen på bussen hem så diskuterar vi kvällen, så då blev de bio,
sen när vi kom till stan så flippa de de.

Idag är de lil lördag! de innebär krogen med Erik Westergren mycket pengar inte skuldsatt, SWEET!
nu orkar jag inte skriva mer har varit lite duktig! en bild OCH massa text

21-06-10-03:44;Take a Bullet for You

05.30 a.m. I culdn’t sleep, you were dancing in my dreams

I woke up, you weren’t there,

I got up, I needed some ear,

I walked outside, and saw the clouds

Above our broken home

And I jelled…

Pour on rain, pour on

Pull out your pictures, remember everything

Oh that blue dress on new years eve,

All the good times, and all the bad,

Everything I wish I had back,

I turn on the radio, to good old heart break songs

And I jelled…

Pour on rain, pour on

And I can’t help to wounder, where this all went wrong

Pour on rain, pour on

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